This is the choir director, Zulema and her husband in Palma 1 Branch.

The members here are so strong. They are so kind to us and make us feel so welcome.

This is a small, beautiful chapel in the town of Manacor, one of the 7 branches we will work with. We felt the Spirit so strong during the sacrament mtg with about 15 members attending.

The impression came to us immediately as we were singing this hymn, that we are on an “Island of the Sea” and this is where the Lord has sent us. The wording in the Spanish chorus is so applicable to us and we recognized this at that very second! How Marvelous!
We will finish this post with the English translation of the first verse of the Spanish version, “I’ll Go Where You Want Me To Go”
1. Maybe I don’t have to cross,
Mountains or wide sea;
Maybe it’s not a cruel fight
May Christ want to send me.
But if He calls me to paths that
I never walked,
Trusting in him, I will say to him: Lord,
Wherever you send me, I’ll go.
Con Amor,
Elder Y Hermana Taylor
Janiece Spainhower · May 11, 2022 at 3:00 pm
Hi Hermana Taylor!!! What a wonderful gift you have been given!!! Is so good to see you and Elder Taylor in this calling and new chapter of your lives!!! Spain looks beautiful and you two look so happy!! The saints there will be blessed by your amazing strength in the gospel of Jesus Christ and your fun, tender, caring personality ? ❤️ This will be exciting and fun for me to watch this through your eyes and experiences over there.. technology is a gift in this way for sure. Love you two and prayers for your success and health along this wonderful path ! ❤️Janiece and Doug
Nadine McGarry · May 19, 2022 at 7:40 pm
Love reading about your experiences, and another personal witness for you that you are certainly where you are supposed to be serving
Renee · May 20, 2022 at 4:00 am
How fortunate that beautiful island of wonderful members are to have you ❤️
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